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Chapeau! Mens Knee Warmers Wordmark - Black

Look after your knees and they will look after you! Keep them warm and fully functioning year round with our new triple grip knee warmers


Given they are pretty important when it comes to cycling, a lot of people unknowingly put there knee joint health at risk by not keeping them warm enough even when the sun is out. The knee joint has a lubricating fluid within it that needs to be around normal core body temp to keep working properly - particularly if the movement is repetitive over a long period. Exactly as it is when riding a bike...

However, wind chill across the knee joint when riding does a very good job of cooling this area down and therefore the fluid in the knee as well. To cut a long story short, you don't want cold knees. Some coaches reckon anything below 15 degrees C and you should be getting the warmers out! Something for you to consider perhaps?

Back to the product itself, they are made from premium Italian fabric selected to be warm, comfortable, quick drying if it rains and look great. We have got 2 internal grippers to hold them in place and then a 3rd gripper on the outside of the thigh end to hold onto the shorts you've got over the top. Always shorts over the top of knee or leg warmers please.


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